Who we are
Suggested text: Our website address is: https://scramblesquares.com.
b. dazzle, inc. is committed to providing secure ordering for its customers and does not engage in any “spam” or unauthorized e-mail campaigns. The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you, as a welcome visitor to our site, of what kinds of information we may gather about you when you visit a b. dazzle, inc. web site page, how we may use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone, and the choices that you have regarding our use of, and your ability to correct, the information. Finally, please note that this policy applies only to b. dazzle, inc. and not to other companies’ or organizations’ web sites to which we link and over whom we have no control, except that you can be certain from our policy that we shall never share your information with any of them.
Information About All b. dazzle, inc. Visitors:
In general, our service automatically gathers certain usage information, like such as the numbers and frequency of visitors to a b. dazzle, inc. web site and its various pages and sections, very much like television ratings that tell the networks how many persons tuned in to view a program. We only use such data as an aggregate count. This collective data helps us determine how much our customers use the various parts of the site, so that we can improve our site to assure that it is as appealing as we can make it for as many of you as possible. For example, b. dazzle, inc. uses a technology nicknamed “cookies” that tells us how and when pages in our site are visited, and by how many people. b. dazzle, inc. cookies do not collect personally identifiable information, and we do not combine information collected through cookies with other personally identifiable information to tell us who you are or even what your screen name or e-mail address is. We also may provide statistical “ratings” information, but never information about you personally, to our b. dazzle, inc. web site designers and information technology consultants about how our web site visitors, collectively, use b. dazzle, inc. websites. We do this so they too can understand how much people use the various areas of our site in order for them to provide you with the best possible Web experience.
Information About You:
Sometimes, we may specifically ask for information about you when you sign up to use a service, like our Zip Code Locator of retail stores that carry our products, or when you order our products online. We will need certain information — such as name, zip code, Internet address or screen name, billing address, type of computer, credit card number, and so forth — in order to provide that service or product to you. We may also use that information to let you know of additional products and services about which you might be interested. You can choose not to receive such information, if you prefer not to receive it by canceling your subscription from our e-mail (E-mail addresses in our mailing list have a web link that allows you to remove your e-mail from the mailing list). You may also click here to be removed. We may ask you for information about your interests so that both you and we can take advantage of the interactivity and the ease and speed of communication of this online medium, but you may always choose either to respond or to decline to respond.
We do not use or disclose neither information about your individual visits to b. dazzle, inc. websites nor any information that you may give us, such as your name, address, e-mail address or telephone number, to any outside companies.