REDONDO BEACH, CA…December 14, 2009… b. dazzle, inc. of Redondo Beach, California, has announced that its Kites Scramble Squares® 9-Piece Puzzle is a winner of the 2010 Learning Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Award for the Family. Learning Magazine introduced the first Teachers’ Choice Awards program in 1994. Over the years, the program has grown to become one of the most recognized and prestigious awards in the educational market. Learning Magazine launched the Family program to meet the needs of companies whose educational products work in the home environment. Teachers evaluate the products on educational value, originality and creativity, ease of use, safety and durability and high-interest level and motivation for children. Each product is evaluated on its own merit. Once the scoring is complete, the scores for each product are averaged. The top 20% of all entries receive an award. Only those products that meet our teachers’ stringent standards are chosen. Teachers’ Choice for the Family is the only awards program that requires evaluators to be both a teacher and a parent.
Adults and seniors love made in America Scramble Squares® puzzles as much as do children, teenagers and college students. Although each Scramble Squares® puzzle has only nine 4″ x 4″ square pieces, exquisite Scramble Squares® puzzles are Perhaps the World’s Most Challenging Puzzle®! At under $10.00 each suggested retail, Scramble Squares® puzzles make inexpensive, but highly valued gifts for both men and women alike. Over 140 exquisite styles of colorful original art are available on nature, sports, history, culture, geography, science, technology, gourmet, occupations, fantasy, hobbies and activities, and more new styles are added throughout each year. Scramble Squares® puzzles teach critical thinking skills, fine motor skills, patience, perseverance, and they help maintain mental agility in older persons, while providing stimulating entertainment as either a solitaire game or as a cooperative activity. Each puzzle package includes a panel of fascinating facts on the subject of the puzzle, as well as a trivia question and hidden answer, all packaged in a unique and handy resealable heavy duty 10-1/2” long x 5-3/4” wide x 3/8” deep vinyl travel pouch which can be collected and stored easily in a standard 3-ring binder.
b. dazzle, inc. is an Official Member of the “CHARACTER COUNTS!” COALITION of the Josephson Institute of Ethics in Los Angeles: http://www.charactercounts.org (800-711-2670; 310-846-4800). The purpose of the “CHARACTER COUNTS!” Coalition is to fortify the lives of America’s young people with consensus ethical values called the “Six Pillars of Character.” These six key character values, which transcend divisions of race, creed, politics, gender and wealth, are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Because our society places such a high value on material success, there is the tendency in human nature to pursue success by any means, whether fairly or unfairly, honestly or dishonestly. b. dazzle, inc. strongly believes that with its success comes a duty to contribute to society and wishes to do so by advancing the principles of good character and ethical behavior, not only by operating its business in accordance with ethical standards, but also by advancing and promoting the importance of ethical business practices and ethical behavior throughout industry and society at large.”