REDONDO BEACH, CA… September 23, 2008… b. dazzle, inc. of Redondo Beach, California, has announced that its highly popular Scramble Squares® 9-piece brain teaser puzzle line has received the “TDmonthly TOP TOY 2008 AWARD.
TDmonthly, a subsidiary of ToyDirectory.com, is an online trade publication for the toy, hobby, gift and game industries with more than 27,800 registered retailer subscribers. For more than 12 years, ToyDirectory.com has been connecting retailers and manufacturers within the specialty toy industry. As of May 2008, Google™ ranks ToyDirectory.com the No. 1 site in the world for wholesale trade directories.
ToyDirectory.com and TDmonthly Magazine accelerate business among toy-industry professionals by providing a central online meeting place where retailers can quickly locate new products and companies, and manufacturers can promote their product lines, awards and specials. ToyDirectory’s community of 1,200 manufacturers and TDmonthly’s 27,800 registered retailers can download toy videos for their websites, find out what’s selling nationwide, read about breaking news and trends, and get advice from experts on how to develop and maintain profitable relationships. TDmonthly includes a database of more than 17,000 products, 1,100 product demonstration videos and more than 3,000 pages of articles and tips.
Out of its 17,000 listed products, TDmonthly has named Scramble Squares® puzzles as among the 44 winners of its 2008 TDmonthly awards. These 44 products are the most positive toys of the year, selected from shape-shifting games and toys that go ‘under construction’ with surprising designs and materials, to favorites that can’t be forgotten. The 2008 awardees collectively capture a spirit of innovation and classic appeal. Winners were independently nominated and did not pay a fee to enter the competition. They were selected based on a number of criteria, including product quality, safety and design; play value; appeal to children and parents; reviews by experts, consumers and TDmonthly staff in-house and at industry trade shows; positive affect on children and society; and success within the specialty market, or the potential to perform well in specialty retail stores. According to ToyDirectory.com founder and publisher Bob Naimi, “The quality, educational value and ‘fun’ factor inherent in these products demonstrate what the specialty toy market is all about. Our awards program is one way we’re helping toy-store owners and parents identify safe and constructive toys for today’s children,” said TDmonthly Publisher Naimi.”
There are over 130 Scramble Squares® styles of exquisite original art available on nature, sports, history, geography, culture, occupations, fantasy, science, technology hobbies and activities, and many new styles are introduced every year. Scramble Squares® are Easy To Play, But Hard To Solve® for children, teenagers, adults and senior citizens. Although each Scramble Squares® puzzle has only nine 4” x 4” pieces, Scramble Squares® puzzles are Perhaps the World’s Most Challenging Puzzle®! At under $10.00 retail, Scramble Squares® puzzles make inexpensive, but highly entertaining and valued gifts for both men and women alike…for Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays, get well, graduation, travel and holidays. Scramble Squares® puzzles teach patience, perseverance, fine motor skills and critical thinking skills and help maintain mental agility in older persons, while providing stimulating entertainment as either a solitaire game or a cooperative activity. Scramble Squares® puzzles are highly rated by the Ableplay.org web site of the Lekotek National Center in Chicago, which ranks products that are beneficial to the learning disabled. Each Scramble Squares® puzzle package includes a panel of fascinating facts on the subject of the puzzle, as well as a trivia question and hidden trivia question answer, all packaged in a unique and handy resealable heavy duty 10-1/2” long x 5-3/4” wide x 3/8” deep clear vinyl travel pouch which can be collected and stored easily in a standard 3-ring binder.
We are very honored and extremely gratified that our Scramble Squares® line was selected as an award winner from the more than 200 products in TDmonthly’s 2008 Specialty Toys Report, “Positive Toys for a Promising Future,” says b. dazzle founder, puzzle designer, president & CEO, Kathie Gavin.
Founded in 1993, b. dazzle, inc. is a progressive market-driven company which manufacturers and distributes wholesale in the gift, souvenir, toy and educational products industries a wide range of beautiful, wholesome, entertaining and informative gifts of high quality and low cost for all ages of adults and children that can be selected by style to appeal to the personal interests of the recipient and can be enjoyed as cross-generational family activities.
b. dazzle, inc. is an official member of the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition of the Josephson Institute of Ethics in Los Angeles: (800-711-2670; 310-846-4800). The purpose of the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition is to fortify the lives of America’s young people with consensus ethical values called the “Six Pillars of Character.” These six key character values, which transcend divisions of race, creed, politics, gender and wealth, are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Because our society places such a high value on material success, there is the tendency in human nature to pursue success by any means, whether fairly or unfairly, honestly or dishonestly. We strongly believe that with our success comes a duty for us to contribute to our society. We wish to do so by advancing the principles of good character and ethical behavior, not only by operating our business in accordance with ethical standards, but also by advancing and promoting the importance of ethical business practices and ethical behavior throughout our industry and our society at large. The “CHARACTER COUNTS!” Coalition has become the nation’s leading character education system, now reaching five million youngsters through a widespread partnership of schools and youth-serving organizations. Two United States’ Presidents, the Congress, most states and countless municipalities have endorsed the Coalition’s approach and declared the third week in October “National CHARACTER COUNTS! Week.”