REDONDO BEACH, CA…August 2, 2010… b. dazzle, inc. of Redondo Beach, California, has announced that its Turtles Scramble Squares® 9-piece puzzle is among only 38 toys worldwide to receive the 2010 “Dr. Toy’s Best Green Toy Award.“
This is the fourth year that Stevanne Auerbach, Ph.D/Dr. Toy has recognized Best Green Toys and Children’s products. She describes her focus for Dr. Toy’s Best Green Toy Award as being for “the kinds of innovative products and companies that are working towards making a difference in playthings and reducing the impact of production. The award winning Green products are made by companies striving to inspire children to appreciate the environment and help them learn to take better care of our natural resources,” Dr. Auerbach explains in her awards announcement. “These companies are making products to teach children more about our planet or producing playthings that are based on Green principles. These are excellent examples of playthings that are made safely, are healthy to use and have plenty of other special values. We have identified products that help children learn more about their world and have found products made from organic materials or are produced in ways that are healthier. Consumers are encouraged to consider these products for home or school or as gifts. These green products constitute a small number among all the choices of play products available,” Dr. Auerbach explains, “but we need to start somewhere. As awareness grows, more families are thinking and considering new directions that are safer, more balanced and healthier. The astute companies making these products are each making a difference in their own way and making important contributions. Each step helps. Each step moves us towards a healthier home and community.”
Stevanne Auerbach, PhD./Dr. Toy, a childhood development specialist for over 40 years and author of Dr. Toy’s SmartPlay/Smart Toys (published in the USA and in many other countries), which provides tools to enhance the child’s “PQ” (Play Quotient) from baby to age 12, 15 books, and hundreds of articles on toys and play, is the only Ph.D. in Child Development evaluating the best developmentally appropriate toys and children’s products, which appear on Dr. Toy’s Guide with links to many related sites and resources for parents, teachers, children, and toy enthusiasts.
The following is Dr. Toy’s evaluation of the honored Scramble Squares 9-Piece Puzzles: This puzzle helps to remember a very special reptile. b. dazzle’s very popular “Turtles” Scramble Squares® 9-piece brainteaser puzzle beautifully depicts the world’s oldest species of reptiles, at 200 million years old, and the most popular type of reptile, even kept as pets by many persons. Turtle’s live on land (tortoises), sea and in fresh water. The object of the Scramble Squares® puzzle game is to arrange the nine colorfully illustrated 4” x 4” square pieces into a 3 x 3 pattern to form a 12” square so that the realistic graphics of the turtle’s brightly colored protective shells match perfectly where the pieces’ edges touch so that correctly completed turtles are formed in every direction. Adults and seniors love made-in-America Scramble Squares® puzzles as much as do children, teenagers and college students. Although each Scramble Squares® puzzle has only nine 4” x 4” square pieces, exquisite Scramble Squares® puzzles are Perhaps the World’s Most Challenging Puzzle®! At under $10.00 each suggested retail, the “Turtles” Scramble Squares® puzzle makes an inexpensive, but highly valued cross-generational gift for all occasions for all ages of both men and women alike. The puzzle comes with a panel of fascinating facts on and a trivia quiz and answer about turtles in convenient 3-hole punched resealable heavy duty 10-1/2” long x 5-3/4” wide x 3/8” deep vinyl travel pouch for easy storage, travel and mailing. Scramble Squares® puzzles are highly rated by the Ableplay.org web site of the Lekotek National Center in Chicago, which ranks products that are beneficial to the learning disabled. Scramble Squares® puzzles are Easy To Play, But Hard To Solve®! Over 140 exquisite styles of colorful original art are available on nature, sports, history, culture, geography, science, technology, gourmet, occupations, fantasy, hobbies and activities, and more new styles are added throughout each year.
“We are extremely proud to be recognized by Dr. Toy for our efforts in environmental awareness and protection by being named as among the Best Green Toys for 2010,” says b. dazzle founder, puzzle designer, president & CEO, Kathie Gavin.
Founded in 1993, b. dazzle, inc. is a progressive market-driven company which manufactures and distributes wholesale in the gift, souvenir, toy and educational products industries a wide range of beautiful, wholesome, entertaining and informative made-in-America gifts of high quality and low cost for all ages of adults and children that can be selected by topic to appeal to the personal interests of the recipient and can be enjoyed as cross-generational family activities.
b. dazzle, inc. is an official member of the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition of the Josephson Institute of Ethics in Los Angeles: http://www.charactercounts.org (800-711-2670; 310-846-4800). The purpose of the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition is to fortify the lives of America’s young people with consensus ethical values called the “Six Pillars of Character.” These six key character values, which transcend divisions of race, creed, politics, gender and wealth, are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. “Because our society places such a high value on material success, there is the tendency in human nature to pursue success by any means, whether fairly or unfairly, honestly or dishonestly,” says Kathie Gavin. “We strongly believe that with our success comes a duty for us to contribute to our society. We wish to do so by advancing the principles of good character and ethical behavior, not only by operating our business in accordance with ethical standards, but also by advancing and promoting the importance of ethical business practices and ethical behavior throughout our industry and our society at large.